Beer & Ice

kuching_food@songfoodcourt_09 Beer... that wonderful drink many cannot do without. It's said to be one of the greatest inventions of all times. These days, many eateries serve the canned beer immersed in buckets of ice-cubes. Nothing like a few well-chilled beers to compliment some tasty, hot and spicy food after a long hard day at work, especially if you are with good company.

kuching_food@songfoodcourt_16Think about it. Some things need not be wasted. They may actually still serve a purpose. Some leftover ice-cubes in the bucket? Wait a minute, don't discard them yet. My friend with whom I was dining told me they could serve a good purpose.


They are handy for washing your hands after you are done with your food. Save you a trip to the washroom. And you save water, too. That's thoughtfulness... helping the environment.